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Successful Property Division Attorney Serving Menomonee Falls Divorce Clients

home that may be up for property division in a divorceIn Wisconsin, the division of property between spouses in a divorce is known as division of community property. It is important to evaluate which assets, property, and debts are marital or nonmarital in determining what each spouse is likely to retain in equitable distribution. The Law Office of John F. Zeckel, S.C. has helped countless clients take stock of what they own and clarify what they hope to walk away with once their divorce is finalized. We are happy to do the same you for.

What Constitutes Marital Property in Wisconsin?

Marital property can include pensions, 401Ks, retirement plans, bank accounts, stocks, bonds, business assets, real property, cars, personal effects and gifts, and other wealth instruments. In many cases, a party may not be aware of exactly what financial assets his or her spouse may possess. Under the statutes of Wisconsin law governing community property, the court will strive to divide assists equally if they were accrued during the marriage. Furthermore, it will seek to do so based on a fair percentage that corresponds to what each spouse contributed during the marriage.


The court will consider the following factors:

  • Marriage length
  • Marital history of both parties
  • Age, health, station, & sources of income, vocational skills, employability, estate, liability & needs of each of party
  • Contributions by one party to the education, training, or increased earning power of the other party
  • Opportunity of each party for future acquisitions of capital assets & income
  • Contribution or dissipation of each party in the preservation, depreciation, or appreciation of the marital property, including the contribution of a party as homemaker
  • Property value
  • Standard of living established during the marriage
  • Economic circumstances of each party
  • Whether or not each party will serve as the custodian of any minor children

Get the Help & Support You Need

As you can imagine, the assessment and division of property is a complex component of divorce that must be handled carefully. Even couples who have reached a general consensus regarding marital property and assets benefit greatly from the expertise of a skilled family lawyer. We can ensure that no important assets are overlooked and that you are well-positioned to get the outcome you want.

The Law Office of John F. Zeckel, S.C. provides effective legal representation to clients who are facing divorce and property division issues in Menomonee Falls, Waukesha County, Washington County, and throughout southeastern Wisconsin. Contact our firm today at (262) 255-2050 to schedule a free consultation with an experienced lawyer.

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